I have not gotten my miner yet so I wont have anything to go by.
AMT's biggest supporter and they didn't even do you the courtesy of shipping you a miner like everyone else. That's gotta sting.
Speaking of getting stung..........................
[7/8/2014 7:55:38 PM] customer2: [Monday, July 7, 2014 10:39 PM] Joshua:
<<< but im still delivering dragon miners to existing customers[Monday, July 7, 2014 10:39 PM] Joshua:
<<< i cant give them a selection from a legal standpoint, the lawyers tell me just ship everyone the same miner and produce them for as cheap as possibleThis stays here for now of course.
[7/16/2014 8:28:17 AM] Joshua: black arrow, assic miner fractory showed me around
[7/21/2014 6:36:56 PM] Joshua: yea most of the miners went out
[7/21/2014 6:57:18 PM] Joshua: idealy we're not keeping to the MPP
[7/21/2014 6:57:26 PM] Joshua: there is just no way, thats why we never mention naything about
[7/21/2014 6:57:28 PM] Joshua: it
[7/27/2014 2:08:45 PM] Joshua: they've all been shipped
[7/27/2014 2:09:05 PM] Joshua: tomorrow is the last batch that goes out and its with DHL already
[7/27/2014 2:09:25 PM] customer2: well no tracking record in my in0box and believe same for customer1..
[7/27/2014 2:09:26 PM] Joshua: its 5-7 days ship time
[7/27/2014 2:09:35 PM] Joshua: yea were too lazy to do that
[7/27/2014 2:09:38 PM] Joshua: lol
[7/27/2014 2:10:06 PM] Joshua: plus we dont want to receive "sorry I will not accept your miner, please give me a refund"
[7/27/2014 2:10:30 PM] Joshua: its smarter, trust me
[7/27/2014 2:10:30 PM] Joshua: its smarter, trust me
[7/27/2014 2:11:04 PM] customer2: Well, like an bastard child showing up at a doorstep in a basket, can't do much about it..
[7/27/2014 2:11:12 PM] Joshua: right
[7/27/2014 2:11:22 PM] Joshua: proof of shipment and receipt.
[7/27/2014 2:11:31 PM] Joshua: cants sue me individually after that
[7/27/2014 2:12:07 PM] Joshua: and the class action gets dropped because all miners have been received accept for lead plaintiffs
[7/27/2014 2:13:10 PM] Joshua: also plaintifs councel does not have a chance to ammend their "faulty" equipment claim because we have the last right of claim or w/e
[7/27/2014 2:14:06 PM] Joshua: AMT is the only company to beat a class action, and nowthe only company making standarized casing with 4 different chips
[7/27/2014 2:14:14 PM] Joshua: now all i need is clients rights
[7/27/2014 2:14:40 PM] Joshua: we got the 2u A1/A2 stable and working now
[7/27/2014 2:14:43 PM] Joshua: looks great too
[7/27/2014 3:16:26 PM | Edited 3:16:41 PM] customer2: Josh - need to edit Craigs name to the forum one unless you have proof of permission to use. Just dotting the legals...
[7/27/2014 3:16:50 PM] Joshua: fuck the legals, ive already won
[7/27/2014 3:17:02 PM] Joshua: but ill change it to his username
[7/27/2014 3:17:12 PM] customer2: (y)
[7/27/2014 3:18:35 PM] customer2: 'Poking the Geek in a cage' may be fun but not a good idea these days. Damn lawyers... D
[7/27/2014 3:18:53 PM] Joshua: my lawyers say we've already won
[7/27/2014 3:19:05 PM] Joshua: the other lawyers dont want to pursue the case
[7/27/2014 3:19:10 PM] customer2: w00t!
[7/27/2014 3:19:33 PM] Joshua: unless someone steps up and throws them 100k in legal fees they're pulling out
[7/27/2014 3:19:42 PM] Joshua: thats why craig is so loud these days cause he knows that
[7/27/2014 3:21:10 PM] Joshua: im gonna start running this like the online casino businesses, offshore companies with CC processing
[7/27/2014 3:21:24 PM] Joshua: ah and the financing program came through lol
[7/27/2014 3:21:29 PM] customer2: (ninja)
[7/27/2014 3:21:31 PM] Joshua: after 3-4 months
[7/27/2014 3:21:39 PM] Joshua: but again,no people
[7/27/2014 10:53:33 PM] customer1: FYI biomech has a point on the whole insulting clients back
[7/27/2014 10:53:36 PM] customer1: Makes sense
[7/27/2014 10:53:43 PM] customer1: As frusterating as it is to do otherwise
[7/27/2014 11:01:24 PM | Edited 11:02:08 PM] customer2: ja. At least the part on Lenell being last in line is appropo and his own doing though. And not even out of 'geting back' spite. As a litigants I doubt AMT is even allowed to send him rigs untill his case is settled.
[7/27/2014 11:01:49 PM] Joshua: im really going to sue him
[7/27/2014 11:01:58 PM] Joshua: hes poor he doesnt have the money to fight it
[7/27/2014 11:02:17 PM] Joshua: he just doesnt shut up
[7/27/2014 11:07:15 PM] Joshua: I just wanna sue everyone
[7/27/2014 11:07:19 PM] Joshua: Lol
[7/27/2014 11:07:39 PM] Joshua: Because everyone is suing me
[7/30/2014 10:07:22 AM] customer1: good morning all. Any updates?
[7/30/2014 10:08:22 AM | Edited 10:19:47 AM] customer2:
None sighted yet (headbang)... (smoking)
[7/30/2014 10:36:55 AM] Joshua: they are like stuck in hong kong
[7/30/2014 10:37:15 AM] Joshua: ok..honestly
[7/30/2014 10:37:33 AM] Joshua: we halted them in hong kong because we made like a naughty and nice list ofclients right
[7/30/2014 10:37:38 AM] Joshua: and thats how we formed the batches
[7/30/2014 10:37:51 AM] Joshua: the naughty list didnt have Psu's
[7/30/2014 10:37:59 AM] Joshua: the lawyers said we had to ship with PSU's
[7/30/2014 10:38:12 AM] Joshua: so we bought psu'sandhave been installingthem in all day in hong kong
[7/30/2014 10:38:21 AM] Joshua: the others with PSU's shipped
[7/30/2014 10:38:31 AM] Joshua: like..customer2ards and ISAWHIMs..
[7/30/2014 10:38:51 AM] Joshua: i can ship two of the rackmount to customer1 as well
[7/30/2014 10:39:00 AM] Joshua: since this half
[7/30/2014 10:39:01 AM] Joshua: halt
[7/30/2014 11:29:30 AM] customer1: lol so Im on the naughty list?
[8/4/2014 12:07:05 PM] Joshua: its the least i can now that they other room is up
[8/4/2014 12:09:31 PM] Joshua: see that though, we try and start selling on the forum and they flip out again
[8/4/2014 12:09:39 PM] Joshua: watch what they do when i update the site
[8/4/2014 12:09:45 PM] Joshua: im done giving a fuck about anything
[8/4/2014 12:09:59 PM] Joshua: my wife is divorcing me basically
[8/4/2014 12:10:02 PM] Joshua: and she was hot
[8/4/2014 12:10:06 PM] Joshua: is hot..
[8/4/2014 12:10:12 PM] customer3: she is hot Smiley
[8/4/2014 12:10:29 PM] Joshua: she so pissed that im away so long doing this crap
[8/4/2014 12:10:42 PM] Joshua: she doesnt live with me in US, she stays in Sofia
[8/4/2014 12:10:59 PM] Joshua: and shes like.. starting the "Joshua.. we need to start being realistic"
[8/4/2014 12:11:14 PM] Joshua: ineed to get my ass out of asia and backover there and fix that
[8/4/2014 12:11:25 PM] Joshua: and i need to sell before we go completely broke
[8/4/2014 12:11:35 PM] Joshua: and i dont give a fuck about anything or anyone else anymore
[8/4/2014 12:11:41 PM] Joshua: thats where im at mentally guys
Don't worry Josh. Your wife's fucking another Jewish Bulgarian Freemason Gimp's dick, because that's probably all that slut's worth. And, she has to be a slut to have married you.[8/6/2014 2:21:00 PM] Joshua: its wont matter
[8/6/2014 2:21:21 PM] Joshua: im not worried about selling
[8/6/2014 2:21:34 PM] Joshua: i just want these fuckers to shut upalready
[8/6/2014 2:21:39 PM] customer1: They wont
[8/6/2014 2:21:45 PM] customer1: not until all of this is over with
[8/6/2014 2:21:46 PM] Joshua: im just going to piss them off even more
[8/6/2014 2:21:50 PM] Joshua: even when it is
[8/6/2014 2:21:54 PM] Joshua: they still wont shut up
[8/6/2014 2:22:00 PM] Joshua: because they'll loose the lawysuit
[8/6/2014 2:22:03 PM] Joshua: and feel even more fucked
[8/6/2014 2:22:18 PM] customer1: Right BUT if you fulfil the MPP, they got no reason to bitch.
[8/6/2014 2:22:35 PM] Joshua: theres no way in hell to do it
[8/6/2014 2:22:38 PM] customer1: You took the rug out from under them and the OTHER people who got hardware will turn on them and shut them up
[8/6/2014 2:22:40 PM] Joshua: MPP is everlasting
[8/6/2014 2:22:44 PM] customer1: Not really
[8/6/2014 2:22:46 PM] Joshua: even a little bit
[8/6/2014 2:22:47 PM] customer1: Not for most
[8/6/2014 2:22:50 PM] Joshua: for most yes
[8/6/2014 2:22:51 PM] customer1: I mean a comprimise
[8/6/2014 2:22:58 PM] Joshua: they will always scream ROI ROI
[8/6/2014 2:23:01 PM] Joshua: and they'llnever meet it
[8/6/2014 2:23:04 PM] customer1: Of course they do it in every thread
[8/6/2014 2:23:06 PM] Joshua: better to say fuck MPP
[8/6/2014 2:23:13 PM] Joshua: and focus on working with nicer clients only
[10:22:14 AM] Joshua: we had a issue with the psu's
[10:22:19 AM] Joshua: we wanted to ship without psu's
[10:22:37 AM] Joshua: and we recalled 100+ back from hong kong to put PSU's in them
[10:22:54 AM] Joshua: those were the photos we posted
[10:23:07 AM] Joshua: but really we were opening them up,putting psu's in them and shipping them back out
[10:23:12 AM] Joshua: and now they are in hong kong again
I say Joshua Zipkin, son of scammer Harrison Zachariah Zipkin, has just shot himself in the foot. When he deletes this post, it'll be posted at several other places. What a totally piece of shit this fuckin' Jewish Bulgarian Freemason Gimp turned out to be.
My name is Bruno Kucinsaks, and I live at 406 W. Center St., Sandwich, IL 6058. Ph # is 815-508-1668, and I'm the one that just fucked up Josh Zipkin's life big time because the asshole deserved it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:28:53 AM] Joshua: unless we get some funding from somewhere it'll take a minimum of 20-30 sales a week to keep going
Hey, Boi! Order a couple dozen miners from AMT to keep that venerable enterprise afloat. How'd you like that pic of those 10 miners you requested? Pretty awesome, eh! Tell you a secret: THERE WEREN'T 10 MINERS TO SHOW YOU. Best go with that Black Arrow offer. Rumor has it that there'll the bestest.