I've asked you twice if you are going to email Anita to add a bitcoin address to her website because I want to donate $5. But, you completely ignore the bitcoin donation part. Your thread says "Donating in Bitcoin".
Yes and I watched with anticipation when you first entered the thread, asking why people would donate to such an "extremist".
I don't think Anita Sarkeesian is an extremist in any regard. Do you think she is an extremist and is that the reason you now want to donate $10 in Bitcoin to her? Please explain why you want to donate to her.
If you are only replying to the title of this thread you don't have enough information to make an on-topic reply, so you first need to read my #1 post. Here I quote a part of it and underline what I think you should give extra notice to:
This thread is dedicated to if it's possible to give donations to Feminist Frequency to support the cause, what the community here feels about it, if it's just 'ok', indifference or if it would be great. Maybe there will be much interest or little.
The world needs a little more love and Bitcoin certainly needs it too. I may ask her if she would like to start accepting it, maybe or maybe not depending on how the thread goes what the community thinks of her work.
If I wrote a letter to Anita Sarkeesian where I mentioned that you insult me continuously because I even brought the topic up at the same time saying that you want to donate $10 to her, don't you see how absurd that is? Of course she will assume, just like you will assume and I will assume that you are only doing this to stop a discussion.
You have among other things questioned the validity of this thread being in Project Development and the reason is accepting a lot more people into the Bitcoin community and that means becoming more welcoming to people, not shaming and insulting them with nebulous terms such as "SJW".
Or is that what the Crypto-Patriarchy is about? Is bitcointalk.org a "Crypto-Patriarchy"?
I think backwards-stoneage attitudes are damaging to Bitcoin. If you don't think so let's have a discussion.
If you want this thread to stop existing then I believe you are beyond hope and that the only people you can reply to are "your own". Those who only agree with you, that could make you enter an all-offtopic era of posting here.