Bounty is 0.042 (42) + donations to this address 4ZpTZNH78hwi94RH9YG368XXrJcMotDgc7
Deadline: 02-Dec-2017 12:00 UTC
It will be perfect if your article contains such paragraphs as:
- Short description of your project
- History (who made the project, when and why)
- Technical features (protocol)
- Team of the project (leaders, team’s background)
- Characteristics of mining and emission
- Wallets and exchanges
- Capitalization of 42-coin
- Community (links to bitcointalk, twitter and other sources)
- Coming events (planning fork, for example)
- Interesting facts
Also you may use your logo, graphics and other images. You can add paragraphs, which you consider important. We do not impose restrictions on the amount of your text, but it's better to keep in mind that it is not a book, but an article, approximately from 2 to 20 thousands symbols.
It would be perfect if you will be able to write your article as soon as possible. Deadline date: 02-Dec-2017 12:00 UTC.
The article should not be about advertising, but about information. That is why there are some basic rules. First, it is important to put links on sources, which can confirm facts. Secondly, it's better to abstain from phrases like “We are the best” without confirmation by really authoritative sources and ratings.
I will assist with the required information.