The problem with Blades is that you have to use a pi controller (OK you can use a computer, but it's a pain in the ass). I have 2 pi's, #1 has 5 blades on it, it connected to the pool with no problems. #2 has 10 blades and it kept resetting when it connected to the pool. I used different workers, so I have no idea. For now I'm going to leave it where it's at and wait until I get back from vacation. I guess it wasn't easy as pi!
I've been mining with cgminer 3.7.2 for gridseed from an old laptop (Win Vista) and haven't had any issues. I'm running a small orb farm, but the latest revision works for the blades, too. Have a couple of Pi's laying around that I intended to use for seeds, but they are working so well with the laptop, that I haven't gotten around to setting one up, yet.
I have a new asic that should be here sometime this week (finally), so I either need to get a Pi ready or set up another old laptop to run it. Too many projects... not enough time.
And my pesky clients keep hounding me to get their websites done, too.