I get the message: Can't create transaction: internal error: no ouputs created for the last 131400 blocks or something like that. No matter what I tried (remote node, local node, GUI, CLI...) the end result is the same...
Can somebody help pls?
Can you try sweep_unmixable with aeon-wallet-cli? What response do you see?
I saw that I need to approve tx of 0.02181779747 with fee of 0.001 so I confirmed just to see what happens next…
I waited for tx to mature, tried again to send all of the coins and the problem persists…
Can't create trasnaction: internal error: no outputs created for the last 131400 blocks...
That's very strange. Can you try this branch https://github.com/stoffu/monero/tree/aeon-getouts-errmsg to see more info in the error message? You need to compile the code yourself:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/stoffu/monero --branch aeon-getouts-errmsg
cd monero
make release-static-win64
So you get this error when trying to send all your coins at once by using sweep_all? Does it work if you try to send just some of your balance?
Thank You for Your involment.
I tried tx with part of the coins and the error is the same. I even tried doing the same from my second PC and I get the same error no matter what I try (GUI, CLI, local node, remote node).
I can not compile what You have suggested myself because I guess I need to run Linux. If You can send me binaries I would try it to report what happens in that case.