AeroME Community,
Just a quick Hello, alpho2k makes a good point but please all remember I'm not going anywhere. Its also not all about me. Its about the purity in cryptos and what cryptos stands for.
I am here to do a job and that is what I shall do.
I do not consider the term "Job" the operative word here as I prefer a more of descriptive interpretation which better reflects my task as being:- A pleasurable endeavour with a definite end result.!
Kwattro, you have made several good points and you are correct in how the younger of the community are a lot more "skittish" as opposed to the more seasoned of us here. When I am quiet it doesn't mean much to the core of us who have been around for the longest but the new members are yet to understand I maybe quiet but far from inactive.
Have you checked the servers last 48hrs ? They have been upgraded and patched. I am always working and hardly ever stop !
As per here:- here:- price is/was good, although this depends on your perspective. IT HAS BEEN LIKE THIS MANY TIMES BEFORE. I suspect there will be many more times where the market pumps AM but again I keep a healthy distance from price stuff.
I'm only mentioning it as I know its on everyones minds just like when will the platform get released. But you should know better than to ask about specifics. If you truly believe in a project invest whether it's financial or by other means, if not, thanks for your interest and good luck in your endeavours kind of thing. Im not here to be a profiteer, nor am I here to enable others to make crazy "stacks" off the back of the information provide here.
Out of all this craziness which are the crypto markets I hope to stand for some kind of balance to stand up to the excessive greed and other noxious, corrosive and contagious shit which speculation and wealth brings. I will not add fuel to the fire and it is not what I am about. Its hard to achieve the level of impartiality which I am trying to attain whilst being so deeply involved and an integral part of what it is I am to remain impartial to. Its what makes the man on how he steps up to the challenges which he faces NOT how many "zeros" you have on your bank balance..
With respect to my activity/inactivity in the community should no means reflect what is actually happening in reality. I arrived from the shadows and sometimes go back into the shadows but I am always here dedicated to the cause.
This "thing" is bigger than just me and you OR what the price was yesterday, what the price has reached today or what it may be like tomorrow..
Its about making this all about the benefits of NGA crypto platforms, mass adoption of disruptive technologies into mainstream and creative solutions which can then be leveraged to solve many problems which have traditionally stood in the way..
I have said this many times in the past; more so in our old thread where you can find out a lot of information about my underlying motivations AND how I perceive this technology and where I can see its true applications in the real world.
We are a verified market on Bittrex our Blockchain is mature our history and heritage spans one of the longest running project in the altcoin world and our community is legendary just look at the reaction last week!
Many of you fail to realize but
WE have value beyond simply market price moves and this is the key factor which I am aiming to pull us away from. Neoclassical economics models should not be the primary way which we apply value to crypto's, hypothesised on speculative reasoning and abstracted away from the true value of our stated objectives and goals.
So much time is spent on the big things when sometimes its the small things which are often overlooked and are almost certainly the most crucial.
We should all remain focused on our true goals and remember what it was which got this far in the first place.
X1235 you are a serious not helpful GT*O & quit with the BS. I hate cursing but you bring the bad out i guess. You have been absurdly rude towards the community making foul references towards louie6925.
At the very least please just try to be polite.. It really does not costs you anything.
nom nom nom lol
I notice in life things tend to happen when one least expects it