"However, when investing, backing or contributing to any Pitch, we accept no responsibility for the content/statements made on any Pitch, delivery of rewards, issuance of equity and any other deliveries or duties associated with the Pitch, or it’s satisfactory, and
or any return on investment, it is assumed that you have read and understood our Risk Warning, Limitation and Liability and Indemnification Clause set in this agreement.
BnkToTheFuture.com does not offer refunds once donations, contributions or Investments has been made. When a pitch reaches its funding goal successfully,
the Pitcher is not required to grant refunds to any members and users, unless the Pitcher is unable or unwilling to fulfill the rewards part of the Pitch.
BnkToTheFuture.com does not guarantee the value of CryptoCurrencies. The value of CryptoCurrency can rapidly increase or decrease at any time. You acknowledge that the price or value of CryptoCurrency may fluctuate and that the conversion rate (the “Conversion Rate”) for converting local currency into CryptoCurrency may not be the same Conversion Rate that applies when converting CryptoCurrency into local currency. You will always be shown the applicable Conversion Rate for a transaction prior to consummating the transaction."
2nd ICO buyers, here is Bank To The Future's terms and conditions.
https://bnktothefuture.com/terms-conditionsThanks for the info. It shows a refund
must be done to CrowdFunders, according to terms and conditions. Ah, you "forgot" to read the sentence to the end. Let me help you:
When a pitch reaches its funding goal successfully,
the Pitcher is not required to grant refunds to any members and users,
unless the Pitcher is unable or unwilling to fulfill the rewards part of the PitchCrowdFunder” means any member/user that donates funds to any pitch on the BnkToTheFuture.com® website, or any member/user that donates
funds to a CrowdFund pitch in exchange for rewards offered by the pitch owner.
It's a shame when people support scams, only because they have some interest in that money...