In short, they serve absolutely no use aside from to people who are looking for short-term market signals.
This causes a lot of agitation to the community and to the team - for zero benefit.
If you're participating in, or following, one of our many channels, you'll be the first to know once what we are creating is available for use. Soon enough, AMPs will be usable in the actual software, and that will form a solid basis for their value and market price.
As much as it hurts me to admit this; you're right. We need dates to circle on our calender's not promises of something coming on some future unknown date.
Did Dor mention a release of a new website too? Seems like we still have months for something useful to come out....and yeah, no actual timeline is gonna keep the price from dropping. I cant see selling here but it might go back to 3800 at it was earlier this year.
If it goes back to the 3k range im seriously going to start crying. No dates have been announced for anything so as of now its just a waiting game.