Approximately 30-35 days to 63900 block
calculated 20 days but it depends on luck heavily - could be 10 days or 35 days
but as the new wallet seems to work fine and everybody should had enough time to update the dev's might change the block again to an earlier one if possible
- they were already listening to community when there initial goal for the targeted block was by far to late in the future but i understand the dev's too that they want to ensure that people / pools / ... have enough time to update first and to see if the updates run fine (work on my own in IT business).
They [devs] should to left - first proposition - hard fork in 67000 block - and they have all Year for preparations.
IMHO devs are lazy like camels. Doing nothing serious - just copy&paste work. And I have to say, too: No mathematics skill.
What is capitalizations of DBIX - behind $10.000.000 ? There are coins thats gains it in a month, shorter than we have to wait - for necessary hardfork.
So, I ask You devs, do You really think, if something happens in future projects (par ex. hole in code thats can steal anybody coins) You will be reacting by months or Years? Who will trust You with serious money - mystic rich sheikh?