tks for replying, it didn't work, i applied your command lines, and restarted wallet, restarted windows, waited over 2 hours, nothing is happening? any other suggestion?
I started to mine with and i installed windows wallet. i see payments has been made from the past hours, but yet i still haven't see them on my windows wallet.
I noticed 2 things:
1- block numbers shows 0
2- I am connected, but 0 peer is connected.
anyone can help me on this please???
PS I tried this, it is not helping.
"use this method do exactly this
start your wallet and leave it running
then in your dbix wallet folder where gdbix.exe exists
make a txt file
open it and copy paste these nodes
gdbix.exe attach
close txt file
and rename it (nodes.bat) name could be anything but extention should be (.bat)
run the nodes.bat file while dbix wallet running
when done then restart the wallet
wallet will start syncing "
I have a identical question!
How sync this wallet?
DBIX log here :
Response error: unknown error
HTTP Response parse error: illegal value
Connected to IPC socket
Response parse error: illegal value
Response error: unknown error
HTTP Response parse error: illegal value
Connecting to IPC socket \\.\pipe\gdbix.ipc
Gdbix starting C:/Users/r/Desktop/DbixWall-WinGUIv1.0.1_49-2/gdbix.exe --fast --cache 512 --datadir C:/Users/r/AppData/Roaming/Dubaicoin
Checking to see if there is an already running gdbix...
Dbixwall starting
alright then try like this dude
start your wallet and leave it running
then in your dbix wallet folder where gdbix.exe exists
make a txt file
open it and copy paste this line
gdbix.exe attach
close txt file
and rename it (nodes.bat) name could be anything but extention should be (.bat)
run the nodes.bat file while dbix wallet running
then copy these lines and second click in command window and paste and hit enter
every value should be true the type exit
restart your dbix wallet and then leave it running your wallet will sysncing with the network soon