It's smart to look at doge for inspiration. Not because UTC should replicate it, but because people feel doge has a purpose. Does UTC? What distinguishes UTC from VTC, DRK, DC or other similar coins? I think if we answer that, then we can effectively promote UTC and make it grow.
The purpose of UTC is: UTC exists so "we the people" control the issuance of our currency
not a big bank that can afford to fill a sky-scrapper with asics.
That's pretty much the selling point.
sadly it looks like people don't want a new financial instrument, they want a sticker of a flappy bird on a digital zero and one;)
We could easily expand our horizon by adding features to the coin
Possible Features-
-Mixing to add anonymity to transactions.
-Nicer looking wallet (everyone uses generic wallet QT sooo boring)
-Chat Client in Wallet or on site, so like minded people can grow a community (troll box of sorts).
-1950's comic strip style adverts and videos with loud announcer voices going on screaming "ULTRA COIN" maybe a cartoon skit on how ultra coin and "ultra man will save the economy" with crypto.
-Fancy Logo maybe some graphics/animated coin "bling" to make it stand out more, most coins just have generic sticker logo, why not a gif with say a "shiny coin effect" people like shiny things.
something like this ( instead of generic shit.
IDK just a few ideas.
You know for something named ultra coin it should be:
Ultra Secure
Ultra Anonymous
Ultra Fun
Ultra Fast
Ultra Cool
Ultra Popular
Ultra Decentralized
Not just "Ultra No Asic"
It needs to live up to its Ultra Name a little more, maybe I expect too much out of one coin, but this is ULTRA COIN.
You don't even have to implement all these features (right now), all you have to do is SAY YOU WILL and the price of the coin will rise enough where we could actually raise the funds TO DOIT and hire more people to work on the coin, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of success! at which point we can put a donation meter on the Ultra Coin site (everyone can donate a little) to add to the success of the coin (no other coin has really done this)! and we can raise funds for specific feature implementations!