Hello, I'm new to Utc I have invested a small amount so I guess theres a chance that my comment won't be taken seriously nevertheless I feel I have to make a comment,
I have read through all the posts and feel I have acquired a understanding of how people are feeling, due to several problems that Utc has faced since its launch, to me it seems Utc has had various problems that I'm sure everyone is aware of, and so people are turning against each other and trying to find someone or something to blame for the coin's current predicament.
On a number of occasions the word "Community" has been used, I don't doubt that there is a community, but there are also some people who have lost faith, there could be several reasons for this and I don't feel its for me to comment to the reasons why they feel that way.
What I would suggest is that the people who still do have faith in Utc come together and focus on the issues that will take this coin to the next level I'm sure it won't be easy but feel it is still possible given the benefits the coin has to offer.
I have noticed for example the official Utc forum is not being used, I'm not sure why that is. Its a place for the community to come together, with idea's and so on, so it seems that resource is not utilized.
One member has suggested various promotions T-shirts etc which I feel is definitely a great idea, I"m sure with the amount of people involved other ideas can be brought to the table.
We are where we are, and complaining won't change that reality, so I feel we have to move forward in order to progress this coin.
As for mining I'm not experienced enough to comment, all I can say is we need miners, we need new buyers and we need to stay focused, as I said blaming each other or blaming exchanges will not help.
New people will come to Utc if they feel it worth while and has a good community spirit.
We all want to make some sort of profit but I feel focusing entirely on profit won't help either, as it's been said Utc is a long term investment, so I feel making it a fun and enjoyable experience for the community/investor is the way forward.
Bumface is one of the devs, and its seems to me after reading several post that he's overwhelmed by the negativity, I would say for me at least he can be looked upon as our leader in a way, what he spends his money on is of no concern to me, I just would like him to continue to be proactive and do his best to promote Utc, which I'm sure he is.
So finally I would say, the community needs to focus all its
available resources on promotion and try and make Utc an enjoyable experience for all.
Thanks for your time.
I think you have pretty much sumed it up. Lets but our energy into promotion rather than sitting are writing negative comments and getting drepressed at the current UTC price