1 ETH = 100 BNT
Is the exchange price much higher?
1 ETH = 100 BNT = $2,60 each
Is the exchange price much higher?
1 ETH = 100 BNT = $2,60 each
No it's not higher as look potential of this coin which very nice actually some people are worry about their maximum funds cap and hidden cap for this crowdsale. Overall this project is very promising and we have nice opportunity to invest in it.
I've read somewhere else that due to the unlimited hidden cap there will be a lot of people investing and that for some reason this could cause that just after the ico the coins value will be much lower (like half of what the coins will cost during the ICO). Is this correct? A guy I know told me he was thinking about investing like 5k euros on this, but should he wait? Because if next day after the ICO the value of the coins he bought is just 2500 euros, maybe he should just wait for the coin value to drop?
I'm just talking about what I've read, I really don't know much about how these ICO things works, I'm a total noob. XD
Another concern regarding Bitcoin swiss. I have applied to invest with them but my application didn't go through yet. If they will NOT process my investment I should prepare to invest by myself, but how would I know since they don't answer to my inquires? And what happens if they accept my application in the last moment and there is no time for them to receive my wire before the ICO? I find all this very messy...
Another concern regarding Bitcoin swiss. I have applied to invest with them but my application didn't go through yet. If they will NOT process my investment I should prepare to invest by myself, but how would I know since they don't answer to my inquires? And what happens if they accept my application in the last moment and there is no time for them to receive my wire before the ICO? I find all this very messy...
Another concern regarding Bitcoin swiss. I have applied to invest with them but my application didn't go through yet. If they will NOT process my investment I should prepare to invest by myself, but how would I know since they don't answer to my inquires? And what happens if they accept my application in the last moment and there is no time for them to receive my wire before the ICO? I find all this very messy...
yep, i am in the same situation . and i the same feeling.
Same here. I was not sure about if I should try to apply to invest some money through the Bitcoin Swiss website or if I should just wait until the ICO or afterwards (because of what I've commented above), but if I try to apply today or even tomorrow and they don't process it before the ICO, then what could/should I do?
Maybe this is a silly question, but if I did an investment on this and for some reason I wanted to sell everything after a while, how would I do It? If I've understood correctly, exchange websites wouldn't be necessary to trade this, but then how would I exactly sell or trade? I guess I've not fully understood this concept yet.
And what wallet should I use for this? An eth wallet?
They will release their own apps or MVP for this.
Better use myetherwallet for the ico.