By the moment our system is being tested.
We collect feedbacks from users, fix bugs, add new functionality. While testing, the pool of our system is deliberately limited to about $150,000.
After testing and before the start of the advertising campaign, we are planning to increase them significantly.
With regard to escrow service, we do not have a final solution on this matter yet. For example, Bitmixcoin has an opportunity to return all funds from escrow service at any time, and therefore we do not consider it a reliable solution...
What prevents to draw all the money and to start doing scam? - Nothing.
Today we have tested your system, and we see that you have changed the payment delay settings indeed.
When choosing a delay of 1 hour, it is possible to see now in the Letter of Guarantee… ‘with a delay of 65 minutes’.
Well done!
But, please do not write that you have everything worked properly until it is corrected. Don't embarrass yourself! And add a delay in minutes to the form on the JS already. I understand that this is difficult to do for the level of your site, but you try
In the case of using multiple addresses just and were vulnerable since they used the same miners fee for transfers. Altogether, it is a strange coincidence that these two systems had even the same api calls, but it's not our business...
The search algorithm is the following: find all transactions in the desired time range and not exceeding the maximum amount of payment (ie, do not take into account the minimum values), then group all transactions that have the same miner fee, and their amount is in the right range, keep the groups with 2-10 addresses (the maximum number of addresses can be less than 10; the exact number of addresses is easy to figure out) and get the correct result in almost 99% of cases.
To summarize all above written.
Almost all mixers appeared after closure of, did not think how to create something new and really anonymous, everyone wanted to repeat the experience of and earn a lot of money... money ruled their minds.
None of them thought about the words of ' I grasped the Bitcoin is transparent non-anonymous system by design. Blockchain is a great open book.’
We investigated, analysed, found vulnerabilities, fixed them and made a really good product finally.
The product that protects your anonymity.