There are no plans for Android/IoS/Raspberry Pi versions of the wallet?
That's simply not true, Currently We have developed Windows wallets and have had Mac Wallets Compiled, Linux is falling behind because most users prefer to compile their own instead of using pre-compiled binaries.
However, as the goal is for total support of this coin Linux will be offered as a full installable pre-compiled app.
As for rasberry PI; It is simply a modified linux and won't be too dificult, until you asked no one had requested a wallet for this device. I have three Pi's that we will now be working with to make a a wallet for. Please expect this to come out within the next week or so. (I'll give solid deadlines to be met after a meeting today).
The plan is to release Android then iOS followed by Windows Phone
We are also looking into Compiling a Solus OS wallet as this operating system has shown some definite promise.
Yeah it can be, maybe the wallet.dat got a bit corrupted or who knows what. Anyway as soon as possible try to move all the coins (with 2 or more transaction) on another wallet and try again from that one, is most likely a problem caused from the wallet.dat file.
Yes, you're right. I just used my new wallet.dat to send 21000 without a single error. Too bad I will have to make lots of small transfers from the old wallet to the new...
Regrettably guys when you mine think about it as "Dust" transactions. Only 20 coins per block so the wallet.dat gets HEAVY, I have some that are 100MB large because of all the transaction data.
Once you export your coins (painstakingly sadly) in larger clusters to another wallet it will consolidate the size of the the coins in each transaction and allow you to "bunch" the coins together from then on.
If you run into ANY issues please let me know I will assist you as best I can.
I'll be more and more active as time goes on I apologize for before. This past week was rediculous. Not an excuse just an explanation of what happened.
BINARY revived? Sounds good
Hey thanks! If you have any questions please let us know!
You tried checking the source to see if is some kind of software lock? because if it trigger that error means that something in the code doesn't elaborate the beginning of the transaction...
Jumping to conclusions and blaming the developers and the coin and its source even for issues... Really?
This issue is caused because the user MINED THE COINS. Because during mining each transaction is only 20coin per block if the user has 20k coins at 10KB per block and there is a
limit on ALL COINS of 10MB transaction size (or so I don't recall exactly) then every 1,000 blocks of 10KB per block you reach the cap of 10MB or 20K coins.
The way to correct this issue is to send ~20k and in doing so the grouping of the coins will allow for the receiving wallet to receive a consolidated transaction size of the coins.