Is it normal that i have 120.000 coins on the wallet staking by more than 7 days, and the wallet say that my stake power is always the same from the first day the coin were deposited, until today and that the expected time to reward is always 5 days and didn't changed anymore from day one ?
Did you mean 120,000 Bitbeans or 120.000 Bitbeans? Either way, you need a minimum of 1,000 Bitbeans in any given block to be able to compete to SPROUT new Bitbeans on the network. Network difficulty has been hitting new high records recently, so it's going to be difficult to compete with all the other wallets that are competing for SPROUTs! It takes about 6 hours before new Bitbeans are matured, to be able to be able to compete for new SPROUTs. Newly SPROUTed Bitbeans require 110 confirmations before they mature and can be spent. With the way the network is and with the increase of new users and new Bitbeans SPROUTing on the network, you will need a lot more Bitbeans to SPROUT more often than every 5 days. Keep in mind that the "5 days" is a basic calculation that isn't able to predict how the network will change. Another factor lately has been the average size, of inputs of SPROUTing blocks, has been going higher.
Just as with Bitcoin, as difficulty rises, you need more hash power to compete for new blocks. Same with Bitbean, as the amount of "staking" Bitbeans increases, it requires more Beans to stay competitive. The benefit of Bitbean over Bitcoin, is that your not investing in hardware that will become obsolete and it's SUPER GREEN!
I have 120000 entered in wallet with 1 single transaction. and after 7 days the stake power is always 29999 and the expected time to reward is always 5 days after 1 week. Is it normal ? Those numbers didn't changed after the first day of staking, after the 6 hours to mature....
I'll take a closer look. Send me your address and debug.log to: [email protected]
You can get the debug.log from the Menu-> Help -> Debug Window -> Information Tab -> Debug Log File "Open"
Copy/Paste that in your email.