LN is not designed to take everything off chain just small retail transactions right now very little retail happens on chain most is transferring to/from exchanges and mining pools and this will most likely always remain on chain
Right now if there was no block subsidy a BTC miner would earn $13000 while a BCH miner would earn a mere $30 and the block subsidy is falling so you better hope BCH can start gaining some huge transactions otherwise the miners will just leave BCH as it won't be profitable unless they increase the coin supply to continue getting a subsidy and with the intention to go with huge blocks regular users won't be able to afford a full node therefore cannot refuse to accept the new rules that have been forced on you
Why do you Lie so much.
LN is shit and is nothing more than banking.
You turn over your segshitcoin to a LN Bank , which will then manage it for you as most people don't have the time or inclination to maintain LN over complicated bullshit.
Miners will earn nothing from LN transactions.
Bitcoin Cash is the Chinese miners plan to dump LN /segshit , once LN becomes a threat to their profit margin and you know it.
Which is why no matter what anyone says, Bitcoin Cash will continue and at some point all the miners will switch to it.
Nah they are dumping BCash and they will support LN. Bcash is dying
Don't make me more laugh more