Bcash is an immature attemp to coup bitcoin. Thanks to UASF148, we forced their hand and they had no choice but to split before they have more power.
Bitcoin Unlimited and any other proposals had their chance to split at any time but they preferred to stay with the original chain. After we activated segwit they just got super mad over that and they saw that bitcoin community will never follow retards like Ver/Wu/Wright so they had to split with the whatever support they got. (Paid shills mostly)
They even talk about activating LN can you believe it? A Core made code which they badmouthed so many months.
And this now;
https://mobile.twitter.com/rogerkver/status/891338448463736832After all those time he was angry with the high fees, he is mad at cheap fees. There is no way that we could be able to reason with those people.
They are sociopaths with bipolar sauce on top.
No need to say, I will be dumping my shitcoins as soon as I can on a reputable exchange. (Not viabtc clearly)
They can have all the bcash coins they want. I don't want to be contaminated with this shit.