Hello OP or any knowledgeable user here about BCC. If I keep my BTC to a BCC capable wallet. Will I received equivalent BCC there? How too confuse regarding this matter. Will my money get double because BCC will have a price also? Thanks in advance for answering.
Every "BCC-capable" wallet I've seen so far is simply a Bitcoin Cash wallet and does not handle BTC. Be careful! there is a real risk that someone will put out a "Bitcoin Cash wallet" to learn your private keys and steal your BTC.
One idea is to move your bitcoins (say 12 bitcoins) to an address (say 1abc...) you control (you have the private key or mnemonic seed), wait until the blockchain forks, and then send all 12 bitcoins normally to some other address of yours (say 1def...). Once the bitcoins are safely at 1def... you can give the 1abc... private key to a Bitcoin Cash wallet and it will find 12 BCH at your 1abc... address, ready to send.
If you start with 12 bitcoins (under your control) then, after the fork, you will have 12 BCH and 12 BTC. If your bitcoins are on an exchange or in some bank-like online wallet then you may or may not receive any BCH (ask your provider to issue a statement regarding BCH).
Your money will not really double. You will have twice as many coins but those coins will be worth less than the coins you had before the fork.