I'm pleased that my threat of bringing him to justice forced Zhou Tong to refund. We actually held off on engaging the PI once he made the announcement he was returning the majority of funds. But the relationship is now in place and we WILL hold ZT accountable if he does not return the remaining funds soon.
According to ZT himself, the $40K being held is from personal funds, so he has no reason not to refund the rest of the stolen money.
Your stalking and threats of violence did nothing but complicate this matter. As Zhou Tong valiantly fights to recover money from the thief for the benefit of the community he simultaneously is having to watch his back against that very ungrateful community as they attempt to bite the hand that feeds them.
I, for one, am thankful that someone like Zhou Tong is there to stand up for justice and fight against the theft of funds. As for those who think he is a criminal, I can only say one thing, "There are conditions worse than being unable to see, and that is imagining one sees."
To Zhou Tong (serious and just in case you do exist):
Don't take any treats serious, but do keep in the back of your mind that they exist, otherwise it will consume you. I've recently been threatened, but have paid it no mind, because if they were serious they would have kept their effin' trap shut. Therefore, just carry on as if you didn't have to look over your shoulder. BTW, where are you going to be at 2PM (local) tomorrow afternoon?
(only kidding)
PS: I hope you enjoy my 'walks into a bar' humor, albeit the majority have been jabs at your expense which, unfortunately, may continue, but the gist of this post is to honestly give you peace of mind if you've received any treats from here or other channels.
Stay Rucky!
Edit: I just realized that this is the Tihan thread and didn't mean to post off-topic, but I was reply to a previous post and felt it important to post what I did. Sorry, if I was off-base, all.