Hi, I cannot seem to get onto that IRC server, some reason my ISP or something is banned...weird.
Anyway I have tried
- 2 new psu's
- new pi
- new SD card
- BFG miner
- Manual and auto speeds
- swapping card orders ( on multiple occasions)
- Increased cooling
- Decreased cooling
Oh 2 of my boards are totally buggered, this has been verified by someone else with a fury who I sent the cards to to double check.
However any help getting the rest of them working stably is appreciated.
if 253/256 chips are seen, the m-board is not the issue. try the following:
1) check that the newest chainminer is loaded (it *should* be, but who knows. the easy way to guess is look at the error rates. if over 4% you are on the old chainminer)
2) check the traces and soldering on the boards for any issues.
3) try a slight pencil mod on the boards. it may sound unlikely, but i had some poor-performance chips that responded well to increased voltage.
4) resort to exchanging the boards (but expect punin to take some time getting to this, since hes busy clearing the remaining october orders and likely dozens of similar email requests for help.
its entiely possible to have bad boards, but there was a lot of troubleshooting advice and methods that were seen following the august batch.