...I have stated many times that from my point of view, it is a winner either way. High coin price, win. Great software, win...
... Maybe allow a purchase of 1k qtl to temp unlock the bot for 72 hours or something, it could be tied to a local address built in and created by the bot so that it would be harder to workaround and get unlimited free trials.
2nd, this just hit me, if the goal is to tie up the coins, offer a destroy X # of coins to unconditionally unlock the bot. I like the bot enough that I would take that option if it was available, until he can fix the "not enough qtl" error, its killing my profitability. I will go to bed with the bot working fine and wake up to find it stopped working only a couple hours after I crashed, leaving the bot not running for 6-8 hours at a time.
I'd really love to see the Quatloo trader succeed.
rdyoung, as to the time limit that you suggest I'd be careful with that and would generally advise against it. First, it opens to many potential loopholes for people attempting to get unlimited free trials. Second, there is no real point to it. You can easily buy Quatloo coins, test the software and if it doesn't fulfill your requirements you can sell it easily at the market. Where else do you have such a good sales opportunity for software? You might even be able to achieve the same price.
In case you sell a little bit lower consider it a small fee for beeing able to test it. Sounds fair to me.
Yes, there are ways to scam any free trial offering. One could probably find away to trick the bot into thinking they had the 20k to unlock the current features, if one was creative and motivated enough. If light wallet like electrum was integrated into the bot then each instance of the bot would generate its own new address for unlocking features as well the free trial. There are ways to combat the free trial scammers, there is also the fact that if someone is using your software for free and like it, its free advertising, not everyone they tell about it will scam for the free offer. There is also the consideration that markus doesn't directly benefit from the coins being bought for the conditional freeware, I am sure he holds a ton of coins and uses the bot to trade with, so his profit comes indirectly from the success of qtl and the bot.
If/when the coin increases in value, if the price in qtl stays the same the barrier for entry will be raised. While this is sometimes a good thing, you have to be careful to not price most of your potential customers out of the market. Those with money to burn can afford to have their own trading bot coded for their personal/company use, those of us making our living off of this new economy can't all afford that as an option.