Guys when you pay a company 32k dollars, idk if you know this -- but you can wear whatever the hell you want behind closed doors. Lol
I'm sorry, I don't really agree with this.
While BlackCoin is not a regular start-up, it also is not exactly a well-established worldwide brand yet. And precisely for that reason, I don't think we can afford to say "fuck everyone and what they may think about us" at this point. Representation is an important part of brand management. And while I do not question Soepkip's ability to represent in general, I do think showing up at the first meeting with a firm you have just signed a deal with, looking like you just came by from the beach, is not exactly a good visual representation example.
With that said, this should not be turned into a bigger issue than it is. Only food for thought and something to keep in mind for the future, perhaps. People will take us as serious as we (appear to) take ourselves. And, we never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Putting all that aside, I would be very interested on hearing about the details of the meeting. Soepkip or someone else, can you fill us in at your earliest convenience, please? I know a big update is on its way, but just dropping a quick line with a brief summary would suffice for now!