Regarding the coin dumpster-
Coins sold for BTC, BTC used to buy BC and sent to senders provided BC address.
3% BC sent to the Blackcoin foundation + 2% fees
Blackcoin blackhole wallet address- BC9o4ZfeEazKGorPhsHPAfXyR9UCZZ2grS
Any coin suggestions welcome, these were just to get us started
Please deposit coins and send me the amount and a BC pay-out address.
If it’s popular then we will start work on creating a site.
Hi, I just want to point out potcoin is not a shitcoin. I also don't think mintcoin is necessarily a super shitcoin either but I understand there simply must be a place reserved for them in the shitcoin dumpster =P
Really, I think this is hilarious, but I should point out that if you think potcoin is a shitcoin you may not have done very much research on it. I am not hugely invested in potcoin, I am not a super huge fan of some of the decisions made by the devs, and I hold roughly 100x more bc than POT but... I still don't think potcoin should be labeled a shitcoin. There is actually some big money behind potcoin, and no I am not talking about the marijuana industry. I bet the potcoin dumpster is not going to gather very many coins.
P.S. Just because a coin is on coinwarz doesn't mean it's a shitcoin =P
never said it was
i was mining it and buying 2 BC to 1 POT for a while, ill keep a few incase it takes off.
Just added it so we have a few more coins, but yeah probably wont get any ha.
We have had some lotto and gpu coin into the blackhole, gpu is sold on cryptorush, (which has been sooooooooooo slow still waiting for the btc to transfer out)
Whoever sent the lotto i dont have your BC address
Blackcoin BlackholeReceive addresses-
Appcoin [App] - AV9LYogX4nBmGqAfMCG7S8KPoXURD5nLXW
Doge [DOGE] - DSaSfe9AqZMcdUkscw1eJodMo35XyHtjKe
Lottocoin [LOT]- Lw6Y5Uc9tLpA1KU5eNqyecB5b7EuD8yrNp
Mazacoin [MZC]- M8qSb8tQCHJJ9kd7WiUJyn1v9FrDnaK2em
Nyancoin [NYAN]- KMPQNttv4XicovTQNiMLJy5q1f37LrjCEh
Pandacoin [PND]- PRZHiFK1PmoJy1veqnGbSAApth937z5Aef
Potcoin [POT]- PHmc7Z3vAySe2LZnn6cjo325YKR9D2ZZuv
RubyCoin [RBY]- RtgjAkf9Mjkx8tPtCsPnMXsDoiK58g3h4L
TopCoin [TOP]- TZWYd9PR1f482eESE5j3XQ3b4N7RnasuBE
MintCoin [MINT]- MY6Z8eJ3VAf1GfQxVgdayAi8HxSemSUnR1
FlappyCoin [FLAP]- FQ1djsaPXGZsnWHCsxKxiP1Zkeo6N8Cm9F
GPUCoin [GPUC]- GP8FWcGmewn7FDh4ZvYXZunRHA1bA9xLZu