I’m appalled and embarrassed by the current, deplorable state of this community. Some of you continue to respond like children by publicly lynching each other. Let me be clear that if some of you were truly successful and professional adults, you wouldn’t be addressing others the way you do here and we will not garner the respect of current members, potential BC believers, and competitors, ever. So that leads me to two conclusions, your holdings are miniscule or your maturity level/true age is 8. Your posts are like your fingerprints, so think the process through and realize how ridiculous some of your posts will look in 1mth-5yrs from now, when everyone can verify your past posts.
My question is if Iconic gives proof, will this war end? If he doesn’t, will this war end? No, because some of you are beating a dead horse and continue to fail to see the big picture, which also means, some of you are just spectators with a useless opinion. STOP! The truth will be revealed soon who is on the wrong side of the stick and guess what, it will have ripple effects across the whole community.
I’m neutral because I care about BC, not a side or their entourages. I like Project PR Firm and want to believe that your intentions are genuine. So I ask that you allay these concerns, not for me, but for everyone else, for peace of mind and confidence. Your true intentions will surface very soon so you can either address them now or create this unnecessary doubt and propaganda war for the time being.
1) I will repeat that unless 'The Foundation' justifiably consists of the creator(s)/developer(s) of BC (and that would need to be proven), then a foundation would only be viewed as legitimate if elected democratically by the community or else be viewed as invalid and unethical. So I ask for full disclousure of user names for all that represents ‘The Foundation’ because if you’re intentions are in fact genuine, then I don’t see a reason why this can’t be divulged.
2) If you are merely a group of investors, then you are just investors and therefore, equal to this community and all of what's to come. How did you self appoint this group, titles, responsibilities? Are you a group of friends, privileged few with large stakes, or genuinely here for us, BC, and the moon?
3) For sake of business, I agree you can't always be fully transparent because procedures need time, negotiation, and confirmation. So for transparency that can't be disputed, what are your intentions and business credentials? Let's talk business model? What is your 6mth plan, 1yr plan, and ultimate goal for BC? Common practice for you to convince any financial institutions of this. We are all ‘The Bank’
5) You are unofficially taking an oath to ambassadorship of BC, thick and thin so are you prepared to take that oath and represent current and future members of BC? There are seasoned and talented members of this community that would have gladly lent their services and expertise and with no obligation so where was their memo, invite, or inquiry to recommendation?
6) I believe both Project Wall St and Project PR Firm should would parallel to each other and in unison so continue with our merry projects, throwing no fire, together or independent? We are working for a common cause.
While your actions and posts can be trivial, no one can deny your effort and enthusiasm for this coin. But the name dropping and negativity has to go for your sake and BC. Honor refund requests, ship out your cards, and more importantly, no more accusations, real or not. The truth is, if you are scamming via BlackCoin Card/PR Firm/spreading FUD, you will lose all respect within this community in a interweb minute and your reputation be forever tarnished. I remember reading a post how you admitted you had a big ego, for your sake, it needs to come back to earth a little. All successful people have at one point or another, failed. So my question to you is, how will you proceed? Your posts have been counterproduct, which is a stark contrast of the previous you according to everyone here.
This is by no means an attack or interrogation on anyone but legitimate concerns from a true BC member. We don't need to become martyrs or be polarized by ideology. There is no right or wrong if you chose a side, but we are all at the end of the day a community. Democrat vs. Republican, black vs. white, BMW vs. Audi, house vs. condo, straight or gay, we can coexist. We are unintentionally dividing this community. Why are we not joining forces to tackle this inevitable rise of a conglomerate called BC?
The enemy of our enemy is our friend. We face an unorthodox combination of enemies. Trolls, whales, and altcoin developers looking to clone BC copy our every move so that they can take a piece of our pie. We need to take this seriously and let this absorb for a minute and think of what we can do to counter that together.
If we don’t fix this, it will never end. I’m about beginnings. The beginning of crypto, the beginning of a real community, the beginning of prosperity. I hope you will see the silver lining in this so we can grow together.
BC Believer