This is imperative. I've been utilizing #blackcoin #bc #bitcoin #btc #bclife #moon #pos #crypto. These social media approaches need to all work in tandem as a web of information educating the masses of our benefits as a mainstream currency.
We need to be trending
I am glad you came on board and are helping! Hopefully the recent contributions of others will inspire more people to want to help.
PS: I will be posting my pan shortly. Please feel free to add and/or edit...
Thank you IE. It's nice have support and see plans/goals coming to fruition. No doubt that us coming together as a community and having a common vision will contribute to ATTENTION & UPWARD TREND. Looking forward to your agenda proposal.
ARPflush-I am and sure others as well are grateful for the LinkedIn page you created and from a professional/logistical standpoint, this is gospel. I'm now following.
BC Community-If you have an Instagram account, please follow @BlackCoinCrypto. I will continue to grow our audience but this starts with us. In my experience, once you hit the first 600 followers, things begin to snowball and the olive branch grows. I can't wait to get my BC Card so I can shoot photo's of everyday people like us using the card for everyday purposes. I need you to follow to fuel the jet.
More work to do guys, this is just the beginning.....