basically it is the same procedure as DASH's masternodes
(will be glad if other community members help to perfect instructions for less technical people)
short howto:
0. make sure port 5011 is being forwarded to the PC running the wallet.
1. go to wallet, to Tools->Debug console
2. find account address to fund with exactly 100,000 BOD (
in 1 transaction), type in debug console:
getaccountaddress 0
3. send 100k BOD and wait 15 confirmations (with 1 transactions of exactly 100000)
4. in wallet debug console:
masternode genkey
5. edit bloodcoin.conf, add masternode's configuration:
masternodeprivkey=the string from step 4's genkey
6. restart wallet, go to debug cosole:
masternode start
7. your should see your IP when running in debug console:
masternode list
(example: )

masternode list

"" : "ENABLED"
Salim, you may want to add these instructions to the OP, or link to it in the OP, so it doesn't get lost as this thread grows.