Checking out this 'neutral' report here Bitcoin should not have any middle men , nor any leader to work properly
That falls back to any guy or group wanting to alter the protocol away from what it initially was and specked up by the white paper. If CSW is or is not Satoshi doesn't change much, except he speaks for having a frozen protocol definition. Fine.
For the case, it would be much more easier to say he is not Satoshi- than where the hack should Ira gets the money from? So Ira wants to 'make' CSW and Dave to be kinda Satoshi and since Ira messed up the tech from Dave. He really needs CSW to get to Daves coins, by any means.
CSW was honestly starting that thing by telling Ira to ensure the tech from Dave but that went wrong since the two brothers seemed to live totally separated lives.
Now CSW WANTED to help both Ira and now following the order but technically couldn't since he and Dave had the private keys split and only by some probable facts in the future ( either code or human postpone delivery) might get hold on them and give back the parts belonging to Dave. All in good will.
So why would CSW do all that if he didn't mine all these coins and so does not be Satoshi?
Most of the trolls got quite...
They need more and more to bend and try to smear