BSV forked from BCH which forked from BTC. I don't think you can call BSV as original.
BSV is an Original Copy of a Copy.
Anything on GitHub is a copy, we live digital. Lots of trolls are just copies...
Important is, that BSV is original copy of original BitCoin, where btc has moved away and BSV doesn't copy such alterations into the original copy
More like BitCoin, cause BitCoin doesn't care about tickers and alterations
imagine Henry Ford, coming back from the grave telling Ford company that cars don't need AC/heater because that is not part of the original design..what cars need are bigger windows, actually might as well remove the windshield to let more air in LOL
even if craig is satoshi (for the sake of argument), nobody will follow him.
get over with this satoshi fetish, go find the person who taught satoshi how to use a computer and make a statue of him/her. even better find satoshi's father and lick his balls, you'll never know you might get a satoshi sperm or two..dig him from the grave if you must
But Satoshi or Craig Wright how you want to call him said that "the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime" was designed from the start to be a form of stable money, Bitcoin SV will return Bitcoin to what it was supposed to be, from the start and at 0.1.
So the example about Henry Ford is irrelevant.
yeah, the core design is set in stone. you got 4 wheels and you steer it to the right direction..unless you want cars to stay that way LOL
The nature of Bitcoin is such that once version 0.1 was released, the core design was set in stone for the rest of its lifetime.....
The design supports a tremendous variety of possible transaction types that I designed years ago. Escrow transactions, bonded contracts, third party arbitration, multi-party signature, etc. If Bitcoin catches on in a big way, these are things we'll want to explore in the future, but they all had to be designed at the beginning to make sure they would be possible later.
to cut it short satoshi simply means the design is set in stone and we continue development in to the future.
satoshi left, we develop and continue developing just as planned. so what's the problem?
your "original bitcoin" narrative --> broken! (the purity, the original pitch
your "craig is satoshi" narrative --> broken! (the second coming pitch
now you resort to cars, craig owns a Lamborghini --> it wasn't the orginal design BTW even craig's suit is not the original design LOL! (well he is rich pitch
i know your type.. it works on dumbass plebs, not here asshole.
also, don't try to pick and choose satoshi sentences, at least try to understand what he said.