Steem Use-a-Thon by Byteball - Winners Announcement — Steemit
Hier die Gewinner,
Herzlichen Glückwunsch AltcoinB, Dich habe ich hier doch auch schon gesehen
Third place
Third place and the 2,055,905.882 Bytes goes to @altcoinb for the use case about creating an SMS bot
Creating a Chat Bot that allows users to send SMS messages. The bot could be used by any user to send SMS messages that the bot would then relay through a SMS provider to someone’s mobile number. It would also allow other bots and applications to use the service to send out one-time passwords, verification codes, reminders of won bets or basically anything that they want.
Jury comments
Acknowledging that SMS service is a dated service compared to other modern means of sending messages between two users, it’s obvious that it’s still one of the preferred ways. One of the reasons could be that sending an SMS costs money. This effectively makes it impractical for spam purposes and is therefore often considered more legitimate than, for example, an email or text message on a social media platform. The use case is both highly feasible as well as sustainable as it would potentially generate income when implemented. By open sourcing the code for it, other contributors could build APIs for it or even more advanced features so we find this use case to have a great potential.
Second place
Second place and the 5,139,764,706 Bytes goes to @drsensor for the use case about rewarding contributors to GitHub open source projects
Probably inspired by knowing how valuable contributions to open source projects are, @drsensor introduced the idea of linking Byteball to GitHub. Through the use of a bot and an oracle tapping into the APIs of GitHub, the solution would make it possible for a repository owner to request specific contributions to be made to his project and set specific rewards for them on Smart Contracts. During work on the project, it grew and eventually ended up becoming too large for one man to pull off.
Jury comments
This project uses the core of what the Byteball platform is able to do: eliminate the need for trust between two parties in digital transactions. By elegantly spotting the need for a bot allowing project owners to request specific tasks and an oracle that could provide an unbiased result from the effort of the contributor, this project hits pretty much all the right notes. Most existing platforms either require the contributor to trust the project owner to transfer the reward after he has provided all the work, or introduce an escrow service. The jury believes that this project’s realization would be highly valuable both to project owners as well as contributors, who would potentially be willing to pay a small fee to take advantage of all the benefits. So it is our sincere hope that someone will eventually pick up on the idea and make it happen.
First place
First place and the 10,279,529,411 Bytes goes to @genievot for the Byteball Discord Bot
A Byteball Discord bot. Acknowledging that Discord is rapidly growing and that more and more users are becoming aware of Byteball too, it is likely that there would be a need for a Discord bot for Byteball. The features of the bot would allow users to register a wallet with the bot, from which they could then send tips to other users, make payments, pull data from the DAG, present the polls generated in the previous use case and quite a few other useful ideas.
Jury comments
Showing incredible speed in progress and being able to create a working prototype in a matter of days is impressive. Implementing features only a few weeks old also proves an in-depth understanding of the platform. We are absolutely convinced that the Discord bot is an excellent addition that will not only help introduce Byteball to a wider audience but also provide users easy access to features. The possibility to follow the development more or less live on GitHub was a great pleasure as well.