ich bin so frei und packe Titan Coin mal hier rein, schließlich war es der erste Byteball ICO auch mit Beteilligung von TonyCh.
die "when exchange" Frage habe ich einfach mal mitgequoted.
Denis Zagorskiy, [04.09.18 22:31]
It seems obvious that one complete ICO at first and than list on exchange. It is a mater about basic economics, demand and supply. We have a goal to build a real production facility integrated into crypto currency market and that takes some work to be done. We have our obligations to provide profit to our investors as a prior goal. We will list Titan coin as soon as it fits the project goal and helps to get profit for investors. Unfortunatelly it does not depend on your questions about the exchange. It depends on legal envirenment and on market situation that both are pretty hard nowadays. We work on altenative solutions. Neither I nor any other authorized person will announce any dates for exchange trading start. Exchange has never been a prior goal of the project. The goal is to build a factory to ptoduce ilmenite concentrate and provide profit for investors.
xxx [Vaultitude], [05.09.18 11:42]
hello all, i joined the titan coin ICO via byteball last year. could someone please anwser me a few questions please?
1. project status?
facilities and equipment set up, have you already refined and sold any titanium, any numbers?
2. can you provide any information about the ICO from the 1st July 2018, have you archieved your 14 million USD target? is the ICO still ongoing? (haven't checked details sry 😇)
3. for pre ICO the buy-back programm should start
Buy-back start date: 01/09/2018
what's status here please?
thank you very much for answering these questions, i'll share the questions and answers at bitcointalk forum, there are some early investors that would be thankful for these informations.
Denis Zagorskiy, [04.09.18]
Dear xxx,
We have not competed ICO yet due to several reasons: 1) legal regulation got much more complicated and we had to figure out a proper way 2) the market situation was really bad for the ICO
Therefore there are no details about ICO to provide. Buy-back will start only after the ICO is completed.
xxx [Vaultitude], [05.09.18 12:12]
thank you Denis, any timeline possible? End of year? mid next year? action a action b?😇 or any date for futher information about your possible solutions and next steps?
Denis Zagorskiy, [05.09.18 12:15]
[Antwort auf xxx [Vaultitude]]
It probably would be better to answer these questions after the discussion with the investors community that I wrote about above.
Denis Zagorskiy, [05.09.18 12:10]
[Antwort auf yyy]
We have considered several approaches and ran into idea that probably will be even better. We currently have several questions to finilize the updated White Paper and become ready for ICO. We would like to consult with the community on these questions so currently we prepare anouncement and materials for discussion. I will make announcement later (today).
Denis Zagorskiy, [05.09.18 13:16]
We will make anouncemnt here and in slack
Alles in Allem, keine so guten Neuigkeiten. Werde das anouncemnt hier später noch posten.
Wieder mal herzlichen Dank dafür, dass du dein Wissen unermüdlich mit uns teilst!
Leider hatte ich schon länger das Gefühl, dass da erst mal keine positiven Nachrichten von diesem ICO kommen - sonst hätten die sich bestimmt irgendwie schon gemeldet. Ja, es ist keine einfache Markt-Situation im Moment, aber trotzdem ist es irgendwie SEHR unbefriedigend, dass da so einfach alle Versprechungen über den Haufen geworfen werden. Ich habe so langsam das Gefühl wie vor vielen Jahren der "Neue Markt" der Börsen... Im Rausch erst mal das Blaue vom Himmel versprechen, es wird schon irgendwie gehen - weitere Gedanken hat sich kaum jemand gemacht. Das geht gut, solange eine Sache wächst - aber wenn die Zeiten sich ändern, dann hat man keine Ahnung, wie es weitergehen soll. Sieht so aus, als ob wir auch dieses Projekt begraben können.
Ich habe mich entschlossen, erst mal an keinem ICO mehr teilzunehmen!!!