Grumpycoin should not be seen as a competitor to CAT. If the dev of Grumpycoin does not have backing of Grumpycat they will eventually get sued. Coinye got served yesterday; I feel RPC is running the same risk.
Agree that CAT needs work; thats why I got out (for now) and invested in GRA and Etoken.
I still feel that CAT has a future. I am following this forum closely and after the issues are worked out I will reinvest.
According to the Catifesto, ( ), the Schrodinger valuation of 1 CAT is either $0, because nobody cares, or around $10,000 because we took the Cat's advice and made it very clear the community consensus of what a Cat is worth. We can do that by changing the code to manipulate the markets until we get it right, instead of letting the markets manipulate us.
Does that sound fair?
By that valuation, I got 3 CAT to implement stake-mine, which is more than enough to pay for my time to work on it full-time for the next month. The problem is I need to find someone who thinks there's a better than 50% chance we get to $10k willing to do a $5K/cat futures/options contract.
Value-by-21-million-cat limit is only really just handing money to bloomberg reporters ( ). But value-by-21-million cat lovers and cryptographic charity donations to animal shelters is quite another animal.
--edit-- this is very different than what Catcoin was originally marketed as, and what many of you large stakeholders thought you were mining for. I'm quite happy to launch another copycatcoin in a year to two that does this, but I figured the original should have plenty of time to decide if that's what they want to do, AND the confidence in CATcoin will help the markets. ---end edit--