We believe in: rough consensus and running code."
The code is running, the consensus will be obvious in the hashrates.
So you are admiting to want to force a take over here, well at least you are honest about it.
You don't want to make another copycoin, for the simple reason, that despite it issues, catcoin is strong brandname with a strong community behind it, so you want to ride on that potentiel. And again you admit this, and again you are honest about it.
Now my turn to be honest about this, I don't mind you forking the coin, but what I do mind is doing things unilateraly one sided and without discussing things with other (read the above a descibed a well weighted and decent process to do this), If you are going to thing your way, believe me it will only create tension and will fracture the cat community, the first fork was almost a disaster and right now you are about to repeat the same thing but only worse because I don't know if you are going to even get the back of half the community.
Concensus should be made by majority, this is not some sort of imperialism, or the savana, where the strongest rule, As proven by history neither of those system works/worked for humans aka people that thinks for themselves and have their own opinion on things.
I've been trying to get feedback every place I can mostly irc.freenode.com #catcoin-dev (come join us), and still keep moving. Everyone that's still hashing CAT during high difficulty periods is losing revenue and giving it to coinhoppers. I'd like to get some consensus while there's still some community to get a consensus from. How many moved on to coinye? How many p2poolers showed up and left after 3 days of no blocks? The alternative is keep my mouth shut and wait another couple weeks and pick the chain off in the middle of the night with 5Mhash and have the few people left wake up with new rules, or a long-slow death like yacoin, or crazy difficulty oscillations like galaxycoin.
okay, I need to get off the forums. If you think you have a consensus for a block number better than 20999 to implement difficulty changes every 1 block based on the last 36, please file an issue at https://bitbucket.org/dahozer/catcoin/issues, and tell me how you arrived at a consensus.