We're talking about it now. Come to the #vettedmembers channel in the ChainCoin Hodlers group. Brakmic was removed from the team .
Based Stickman, I can see that something did in fact happen with Brakmic, but I'm not able to get any information from these guys, they're not responding to my queries.
I did see a post from Max that must have been from a troll, from somebody supposedly Brakmic who was saying that he has modified the code to steal all the coins with his friends in Germany. This is actually idiotic, because whoever posted this doesn't understand consensus rules.
But nevertheless, I am given pause by the groups response to this, they're simply saying that Brakmic has left the group. I asked Max to give us full transparency in the next video about this, but didn't receive any reply.
So this is the extent of what is known. I think I want to apologize to you for not believing what you were saying. I'm a HODLer in it for the long run, regardless of what Max and the discord team does. I just hope they address this in full.
It was brakmic trolling , it wasn't someone pretending to be him . If you had the whole log of the chat you would be able to see it. You're not going to get the full story. I am a HODLer too , but I'm not buying back in here at 30012. CHC needs a real bottom and that's going to take time. I just don't want to see anyone losing money buying in right now. At the end of the day people can make their own decision.
Based Stickman, I think you and I might be in the same "space" about this. A week ago, I was very centered, very calm and very excited about CHC going forward. I was in a good mental space, even with the price of CHC going down, but in the past couple of days my feelings about CHC have changed a lot. I think that the push for LINDA might have been part of this, because it just feels a little sleazy, we were all-in on CHC and then now the momentum is being "diluted" by this. Also, like you said, anything that goes against transparency and openness on this feels wrong.
Maybe part of my change of heart is due to my own over-glorified image of the CHC project being the first community coin, and maybe I read too much into that. Or maybe I'm just in bad mood, crashing after a dopamine-laden manic high that is the hallmark of crypto trading.
So, I'm still HODL, and still making maternode income, but I'm going to stop watching the charts 24X7, stop watching Discord, because it has become unhealthy.
PS, I know this may sound "prissy" but also the people on Discord making incredibly misogynistic comments about LINDA was getting to me, watching the chat I was thinking to myself, man these are bunch of fucking idiots. In defense of them, there were a handful that were saying that the jokes about LINDA were getting out of hand, and people were agreeing to keep it civil, but then when LINDA was up to 16 satoshis, the jokes came on full-blown again as if no one had heard a thing. I realized that these are a bunch of young kids, and I just felt out-of-place in that setting.