Dev Update
We have good news and bad news for you!
Good news first:
We increased the givaway amount per tweet 10x!
Now you get up to 50,000 AWE coins per tweet per day for participating in the CoinAwesome Coins-for-Tweets giveaway program!Steps:
1. Get the CoinAwesome wallet in the Chrome web store.
2. Follow @CoinAwesome on Twitter.
3. Post a tweet with following key-words:
'@coinawesome' + YOUR_AWE_ADDRESS + 'giveaway'
Example Tweet (Please invent your own):
Let's support awesome art and content with @CoinAwesome on the web! #giveaway AQGVNg7cneZeRbfaewaoHFvTS8jC29uT8v
Please invent your own giveaway tweet. Just '@coinawesome', your AWE address and 'giveaway' needs to be inside the tweet. The order of the keywords does not matter.
Your AWE address you can find inside your wallet which you can download here: simple it is!
The formula (for now) here is:
AWE_coins_you_receive = square(your_klout_score) / 2 * 10
NOTE: **You can do this every 24h.** **Just tweet again.** But do not try to cheat on us (deleting the tweet), otherwise you will be banned for some days. In case you have more than 100 tweets per day or less than 100 tweets total, we will consider you as a bot and don't let you participate.
Read more about CoinAwesome:
https://coinawesome.comRead more about the Klout score:
http://klout.comFB Giveaway: (every 48h for now) news II: We will start soon again with our CoinAwesome crowd sale. This time we will have
weekly rounds. We hope that this will make it easier for everybody to keep track of the sales and also have less price fluctuations.
Bad news: After spending some more time building the Firefox wallet we started wondering
why there is not a single Bitcoin wallet inside the Firefox Addon store. All existing Bitcoin wallets (e.g. Copay and for Firefox got pulled!
We found out that Firefox is not secure enough for crypto-coin-wallets, unfortunately! Therefore we stop building the FF wallet and recommend every FF user to switch to Chromium until FF fixes their security issues.