If we can build some decent infrastructure around this it would be much easier to tip joe public with a comment like "hey, I like what you wrote. Have some coino and get yourself over to xyz and have some fun "
XYZ would have simple instruction on how to redeem the coino.
Yes very good
Yep, good method to reach (new) people! But how would you spread that out to the world? And what instructions do you mean? Filling out a captacha?
I suppose you could tip with different methods. If you tip Joe Public with a wallet containing x amount of coino Joe would need a instruction on how to use the wallet and how to buy with coino at XYZ.
You could tip to a wallet with an attached credit/debit card, virtual or real. In this case Joe Public probably already knows how to use the card at XYZ but need instructions on how to refill the wallet.
I have some ideas, web security and non-repudiation is one of my specialties. As is massively scalable back end solutions and process automation.
Anyway, when I get it sorted out such that my 9 year old son can do it easily I'll let you all know.
What I want to try and avoid is a situation where people end up with multiple web wallets unless they actually want them.
On a separate note. I think we will be OK with a fiat to coino exchange where people can buy coino for cash. I was watching my boys playing roblocks earlier and they have robucks that you can use to buy things.. you can get these by either completing tasks or you can buy them for cash. So I was thinking that I would have a teller window in the casino where you can buy coino for cash as well. I would rather we were on an a big exchange with a decent API before I do this thou.
Not sure about the other way around though. I think we would still have to leave this to the real exchanges
I think its a good idea to be able to buy coinos directly in the casino, or any other service for that matter. And i think you are right leaving the other way around to the real exchanges even if the need to exchange back to fiat will be lower with the release of debit cards.