More importantly, we all have a better understanding of what makes this coin and others work, or fail. There is no one magic thing that makes one coin better - hard work and a group is all it takes. I've done work with other coins since I became involved here with Coino. Some have done well, others have disappeared. No single technical aspect really makes that happen - its more about the people.
According to you, what is Coino missing ?
Thank you.
Well, isn't the obvious? "The people" is what coino is missing. Both current devs and community are not nearly dedicated enough or in this case, physically able enough. I'm afraid pretty much everyone who cared enough (supporters, investors, etc) left coino after the original dev disappeared months ago. Only some of us hopefuls were left.
Smcardle was a major force behind the revival of coino, but he unfortunately suffered an accident and was out for several weeks. My guess about what happened is he came back and saw that the rest of the dev team and community did not stand up to move coino forward while he was gone, so he gave up. This is very understandable and it's definitely not his fault.
Basically, it's really too little too late for coino at this point IMO. Even if another person like smcardle steps up, without a community to back that person up, not too much will happen in terms of progress.