Dear DEV, why there are no volumes in trade? The project may well die soon ...
Tokens activity on the market, not controlled by dev. There is no point in ask with they.
The dev policy will only affect people's interests. But, the volume in trading is determined by the demand for tokens on the market.
So, ask about team policy, not why there is no volume in trade.
Thank you for answering that for us.
We are doing the best we can to bring innovative solutions. At the moment, the digital piggybank is in its alpha phase and it has only recently been launched officially.
More things to come:- Blockchain based games within the dashboard for users to earn & spend their coins
- Dashboard based p2p exchange for users to trade their coin holdings with one another
- More savings packages
- Merchandise store featuring hundreds of crypto related products & services - accepting OROX as a discounted currency
- Gift your savings feature where you can gift your coins to your friends and family in the form of digital vouchers
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