Deflating the COLX economy is NOT stealing funds from the community, its quite the opposite!
People holding CV2 are still part of our community. It's the same coin, just an older implementation of it, and that's not their fault.
People should not be forced to check up on their coins every 3 months to prevent those coins from being
destroyed. They paid real money for their CV2, and at 4 sats, that's still about 1.2 million dollars we're talking about.
The way we deal with CV2 will be an example for how we deal with COLX in the future. Destroying CV2 will also destroy trust in COLX, and dealing with CV2 it in a decent matter will also make COLX a trustworthy and valuable coin.
I don't want you to open your COLX wallet two years from now, expecting lots and lots of value, only to find out that your coins were replaced by some new "COLX2" coin and your value distributed amongst other people. I'm sure you would be pretty upset and angry if that happend. So let's not do that now either.
The end user should have some responsibility in knowing what they are holding. If they have something invested in a coin, they also have to keep up with the news regarding that coin. There are some people who were asking how to swap their original CV coin to CV2 when COLX was getting brought up. You just can't wait for everyone. That is why the swap is lasting for three months. So that the majority of people holding cv2 can swap to the new chain. Also, trading of CV2 will cease on nova on the 15th this month so thats another problem gone. Tl;dr due diligence is necessary.