- Many many many of the Vizionary members have no knowledge about crypto currencies. They want to make money with them, but they don't know how crypto currencies are working.
I would like to speak my thoughts on this opinion that you express. I have to agree that there are likely some members of Vizionary who do not understand the rest of the cryptocurrency industry. And that can be for two reasons. One reason would be that they did not dig into the education platform provided by Vizionary that educates on the technology, industry and the history of it. Secondly, they didn't have a sponsor who had the correct vision to guide them properly in their first engagement into the cryptocurrency world... that is if that they were total newbies before joining Vizionary.
Now is this the culture of Vizionary? That would be a resounding NO! From the top down, Vizionary's is meant to be an educational platform, a platform for diversification as well as a mining platform for distribution of Capricoin. The webinars, the private groups and chats... the community of Vizionary is geared towards educating people about real cryptocurrency, the history of bitcoin and getting people into crypto properly. Yes, this means that people within the platform with what I would consider good leadership, are not only getting new members into capricoin through Vizionary mining services. We are making sure to get people into Bitcoin PERIOD! We are also teaching how to use the exchange to trade bitcoin for cheap capricoin and get it into a desktop wallet to participate in staking rewards. Or even trade for other coins that we have identified as top prospects in the market for the long term. To that end, myself and I know many people like me who work Vizionary, have private daytrading chat groups where we are discussing our diversifications and trades we are taking daily.
To be honest before I even joined Vizionary I had never even thought about a 'cryptocurrency exchange' much less knew what one was. It was thanks to the platform and the graciousness of the leaders of the Vizionary community that I had the ability to have hands on learning, and so I pass the buck forward to new members I'm helping to get into cryptocurrency properly. Vizionary is the monetization for my time to help people in an honest and moral manner. As many of you reading this know. The cryptocurrency industry needs to work together to succeed. And the more people we can educate and show the light of cryptocurrency, bitcoin and the right altcoins... the more we will speed the financial revolution that is taking place. And that is what Vizionary is all about! A network marketing platform, with it's ability to expand virally over time, by word of mouth and internet marketing is the perfect marriage for expanding the minds within the cryptocurrency industry, getting the masses involved and taking everything to the next level so much sooner.
Even getting paid by the Vizionary platform you have the option to easily diversify into bitcoin. You get paid in Euros by Vizionary. But you can withdraw as bitcoin! And you can take that bitcoin and hold onto it, or go trade for the altcoins of your desires. So that is the beautiful thing that Vizionary offers, is that when you do it right, as I've outlined. With the financial revolution and people's best interests in mind, Vizionary is truly an opportunity to earn cryptocurrency via sweat equity over time. And the great thing is there are no monthly fees with the platform, membership costs are only one time fees. Additional mining time (mining slots) can be added by optionally uploading funds to the platform or simply expanding the platform with new members and using the commissions for that if you wish.
And of course expanding the Vizionary platform and merchant network, increases the value of the coin. Which is a win win for everyone involved with the coin. In terms of the merchant network, there are some pretty amazing incentives to grow the merchant network of CapriPay, but I won't get into that in this post, since it would wandering a bit too far from what I was originally looking to speak in response to.
So ultimately in regard to your statement about the average member of Vizionary being clueless about crypto... that's not completely true, there are two sides to the coin. There is the predominant culture of Vizionary which promotes that it's members be educated and diversfied in cryptocurrency. And then there is also the fact that not every person that joins the platform will take those steps, or have a really awesome sponsor who encourages them to do so, and helps them if needed. As in anything you will have all sorts of circumstances... the intentions of the community and platform are rooted in positivity and education!