What is happening with the price?
Amazon S3 miner is back (hashrate is up) and he has to sell the yenten to pay his bills so he tanks the price wien he mines.
Amazon miners will bid for compute power and at a 80% discount offf reserved compute power. then they buy $200 of aws credit for $20 from the digital goods forum and can mine yenten for about 30-50 sat i believe, and that price will increase if difficulty rises.
any idea hows this Amazon S3 guy mining ? Yenten will be in moon in next 6 months I suppose.
Spread the awareness.
I set up 240 CPU instances on AWS to try it out for a few days and I got about 20kh/s hashrate, and i'm happy to show anyone else how to do it because I think these guys need the competition.
I'd like to know.
EDIT WARNING: There aren’t any credits available at the moment so be careful. The sellers who say they have credits are often scammers so please be careful and don’t get carried away.
here are the steps and i'm happy to go into more detail if you get stuck. I'm new at this so fair warning if this isn't the most efficient or secure way to go about this.
1. Get an AWS account. they asked me for a credit card and a day or two waiting period to be approved.
2. Setup an EC2 instance. You can use one of their "t" instances for free to setup your instance. To learn about the instance types you google "aws instance types". But basically the “c” instances are the ones you want because they are made specifically for computing. I tried the t instances but they are “burst” instances which means they will run your mining at full speed for a couple hours and then they’ll drop down to 10% capacity because you basically use up your “burst” credit. And they also have GPU instances I think.
3. Pick “ubuntu” for your instance and start it up. you don’t want to use windows instances because they costs twice as much per hour. Use putting to connect to your instance. google “connect to AWS using putty” and follow that guide.
4. Update your ubuntu, download the miner, and install it. Here are commands I used:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev libgmp-dev automake
git clone
https://github.com/JayDDee/cpuminer-optcd cpuminer-opt
CFLAGS="-O3 -march=native -Wall" CXXFLAGS="$CFLAGS -std=gnu++11" ./configure --with-curl
6. Then you want your miner to startup when the instance starts up. I used /etc/rc.local where you can list commands to be run when your instance starts up. I used vi and added the following to rc.local:
cd /
cd /home/ubuntu/cpuminer-opt
./cpuminer -a yescryptr16 -o stratum+tcp://crypto.n-engine.com:6233 -u
-p c=YTN
5. Now you can close the command line, stop the instance and restart it to see if the mining program opens automatically and connects to the pool. Now that this instance is setup, you want to stop it and create a disk image so you can load up many versions of and they’ll all have the mining software and autostart. Google “how to create an aws ami” and follow that guide.
6. And then create your instances using the aws spot request feature: Spot requests > request spot instances > select Request and Maintain, target capacity = 12 and change instances to CPU, Search for AMI and select the AMI you created, select all the “c” instance types, select "lowest price", you can use automatic bidding but I selected a max price of $.012 per CPU. With these settings you’ll probably have 3 instances startup each with 4 CPU for a total of 12 CPU. Once you confirm that they are connecting to the pool successfully, you can edit your request to initialize however many CPUs you want.
7. Lastly, go to the Digital Goods section of this forum and buy AWS credits. There are a lot of scams I think, so be careful, but the users BackToCali and PokemonGoArena are legit.
Doing the bid on spot instances gives you an 80% discount on AWS EC2, and then the AWS credits are going for another 80%-90% discount, so I believe it’s the cheapest way to CPU mine and it comes out to around 60-150 sat per ytn depending on difficulty and how discounted the AWS credits are.
Donate a couple YTN if you get it working just so I know it helped: YmNaNPkC5FkXj7o8LWMbytrQZc5rD1iQAf
EDIT: It’s more spendy, but you can get a lot more hashrate if you choose the bigger “c” type instances. The largest “c” option has 64 virtual CPUs, and each cpu is essentially it’s own very powerful thread. My aws account is limited to 28 of these instances and together they can achieve around 95 kh/s.