BTC: 18aLhtdKY79rwbrxAyJt75t1ChKupM71WT
Actual balance: 0.07734 BTC
goblynn - 0.018 BTC.
sologap - 0.0498 BTC
jasemoney - 0.0095 BTC
(I sent a PM to the owner of the site and ask him can we get a special offer (or free). If we get, or we added for free I will send the BTCs back to donators. Waiting for the answer. He is not online now.)
tell amount i send u rest
how much btc need to buy? left?
Hi, I ask for a contribution to hosting costs of $120 in BTC per year, or half for 6 months. I can take CRAVE.
tell amount i send u rest btc i too busy trading
60 dollar is about 0.2448, we have 0.0773 yet so we need about 0,167 BTC.
Sent a little