Crypto Alliance
You will have 3 opportunities, to participate in this project, meaning we will hold 3 different IPO's!
1st stage:The goal of this IPO is not to collect much money, but to build a big and strong community, therefore only a symbolic fee for Stakes.
Every participant can buy 1 Stake, max. 3 Stakes for household! Who is caught gets refunded.
The first 20 paying 200 NXT or 0.01 BTC / Stake.
20 – 40 paying 400 NXT or 0.02 BTC / Stake.
40 – 60 paying 600 NXT or 0.03 BTC / Stake.
60 + paying 800 NXT or 0.04 BTC / Stake.
First you pay the fee, then change your signature and comment this thread.
Send BTC to 1NTW43UtqrBXiJYMtffZHD2qcTZhr7uy9T
Sending fees from exchanges is allowed now
Spreadsheet: stage:In this stage we will contact exchanges to held ITO.
3rd stage:We let decide the community, on which platform (as example NXT asset exchange) we start prelaunch trading.
anyone who can read is a clear advantage
with 3rd stage IPO is meant trading on an asset exchange (such as the time with NEM)! We dont make false promises (very few or no coins were able to keep their promises), for that the long roadmap.
i am in no intention to fud or troll your thread, just want to clarify things out, share distribution? does this mean it will be on April? you have the close alpha and open alpha and beta stages,
1. how can you say trading on 3rd stage? was it the stake holder who gonna sell their shares? or is it you who will sell the remaining shares, kinda vague, say you are into building strong community, you can build that too by means of giving away shares, IPO = selling, giveaway = free ( can be done thru signature campaign too) ; doing either of the two brings in community, and all i can see is you selling shares in 1, 2, 3 stages. How can u say it's not all about money?
3. that closed alpha, open alpha and the beta + official launch.. what does thing stages refer to?
very few or no coins were able to keep their promises), for that the long roadmap.
you are too early to talk about this stuff, u haven't proved anything yet, long roadmap doesn't need to be the IPO time span.. anyone can do it!
and unless i missed it in this thread, you are an anon dev. you cant blame people doubting this project, just stating clear facts,
hopefully you can clear us all this doubt. thanks
Sorry then I misunderstood your criticism!
Well, with 3rd stage meaning to start trading on an asset exchange! Every share holder can choose if he would like to become his stake on asset exchange for trading, or waiting the official launch! I admit, in this connection we used the model of NEM, since this system has proven!
Therefore, with 3rd stage meaning to start trading token on asset exchange,
NOT THE RELEASE!With giveaway you are right, that's why we are running a poll about giveaways...! We are discussing about this, and probably we start a giveaway in next time!
Closed alpha is only for a few from our community, for testing purposes, and with the open alpha everyone has the opportunity for testing.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reply