What changes are you talking about? Because there are a lot.
Here are a few suggestions:
1) Allow for user defined size of the map.
I have a 65" screen running 3840x2160 resolution, but no matter how big I make the browser window, the map always automatically sizes itself so it doesn't fit into its part of the window.
Even if I set the browser to smaller content (with CTRL + mouse wheel) it will make the map part of the window smaller and the empty space around it wider and wider, but the map never fits into its space.
2) Get rid of the reloading of data every single time I click into the window.
I'm running about 20 browser tabs in parallel where CMG is one of them and every time I switch to some other tab and back to the CMG tab the page will reload it's content, even if I have been outside the tab for less than half a second and if that's not enough, it does NOT update the timers correctly, I have to do an additional manual page refreh to get the timers right.
Furthermore this interferes with moving the map (which wouldn't even be necessary if #1 were implemented), meaning every single time I'm moving the map (with CTRL + mouse) and the auto refresh kicks in, the mouse gets trapped there and I have to press F5 to get the window back to normal function.
Even if I don't want to do anything in the map, if I click energy refill or any other page from the menu, the page insists to update the map before executing the click, just to then switch away from the freshly updated map.
At times where there is a slight lag, this becomes extremely annoying.
3) Have the browser memorize whether or not the map shall display houses, I'm sooooo tired of having to click the button to remove the houses every single time the map reloads.
I can imagine you are proud of those houses and want them displayed, but from a users perspective they serve no purpose.
4) What about level 21 missions? How long has it been since you confirmed you'd implement them? Can't you do that before getting into making a completely new version?
I'm 38% on the way to level 22, so you might already want to implement level 22 and level 23 missions or else the cards that "increase chances of success in higher level missions" are worthless to me.
5) Do some HEAVY adjustments on the prices in your shop.
I've pointed it out before and other users did as well, compare your shop to the market, it's plain ridiculous.
In your shop 1000 Crystals cost 2763 sat, in the market one can buy 1000 Crystals for about 17 sat, meaning your shop is overpriced by a factor of 162.
You promised you'd adjust the prices, but all you did was a 20% reduction of shop prices, while you need another 99.5% reduction from the current prices.
Cards and Cryptocoinz is the same thing.
5.1) I have over 12,000 HP, what do you think "Get ~29.16 Hpower in Cashback!" for buying your limited offer from the shop is worth to me?
6) In case you do not want prices for items to be as low as pointed out in #5, let the shop not only sell stuff, but also buy stuff.
If the shop were buying Crystals for maybe 2500 sat per 1000 Crystals a selling price of 2763 sat per 1000 Crystals would be justified and the prices in the market would adjust almost automatically.
But then, yea, I know, if you had to pay your own prices for items to the users, you'd get into a gigantic money leak for the site that you just can't afford.
6.1) I am BY FAR not the only user who figured this out, if you look into your users behavior you will notice that the vast majority of long term users focus near exclusively on missions for cards and mining boosts.
This means, long term users sell their stuff to new users which then means new users are making next to no money at all which is the reason why about 99% of all new users will leave the site within a few days and they won't come back.
7) Add CGT to the market, so it becomes sellable and we can finally see what it is actually worth.
8 ) Make some HEAVY adjustments to the missions.
What's the point of doing a level 20 BTC mission that pays 1.1 sat, while a level 20 card mission pays about 40 cards that can be worth up to 200 sat in the market?
What's the point of a mission that pays 1.1 sat in the first place? I mean the electricity my computer consumes in the few seconds while I start and claim the mission exceeds the reward the mission pays.
In fact the Crystals a level 20 mission pays as a supposed bonus to the mission reward are worth more than the mission reward itself, meaning ALL crypto missions should be called Crystal missions where the cryptos you get is the bonus.
Not to talk about lower level missions.
9) You promised to adjust the daily bonus, i.e. because getting 30 energy for a daily bonus at the last (and highest paying) day of the month is really worth nothing at all.
You simply forgot to adjust that amount to 10 times the previous amount when all energy was multiplied by 10 with V2.
10) Allow for energy refill above 10x level.
Cutting the auto refill at 10x level is fine, but why would you prevent users from doing the antibot thing every 10 minutes only because their energy is full?
When I complete the 15 daily goals and get 420 energy added I just can't spend that so quickly, meaning I'm stuck with no energy refill for an hour or two.
I could go on for another half hour, but I assume you'll "forget" at leat 9 of my 10 points here already, so there's no point in adding more points.
There's just one more question I have asked 2 or 3 times before but never got an answer, so while I'm already writing half a book, let me add that here:
In all the years I've been here, I NEVER figured out how to finish a game of the miner run.
I can run through the levels without end until I run into one of the viruses and there the game freezes, my little man turns red and nothing at all happens anymore, the game doesn't end no matter how long I let it stay there, there is no button to end it and of course it doesn't pay anything.
All I can do is click into the menu to get to some other page of the CMG site.