I'm getting the following errors compiling ccminer v1.1 on linux. I'm using cuda6 libraries. Is it possible that the __shfl operation isn't in there?
groestl_functions_quad.cu(258): error: identifier "__shfl" is undefined
groestl_functions_quad.cu(263): error: identifier "__shfl" is undefined
groestl_functions_quad.cu(268): error: identifier "__shfl" is undefined
: error: identifier "__shfl" is undefined
bitslice_transformations_quad.cu(414): error: identifier "__shfl" is undefined
I have zero experience with KopiemTu 1.3, but it was up and running JPC for me with the included ccminer.
I tried to do all the compile commands on there and saw a bunch of these streaming by, as well as a bunch that said there was 'something defined but never called'.
I tried to compile it and do it over and over with the same results... It would finish, and wouldn't complain at the end, but I couldn't get the cards to actually mine, they just sat there at 0kh/s.
If I copied back over the old files and re-started it would go back to mining not using the latest version.
If anyone gets it to work please let me know if you had to do anything special.
Wanted to report back that it didn't work for me...
Here were the steps that I did to compile (as provided to me by PVMining in a previous post).
cd /opt/miners/
mv /opt/miners/ccminer /opt/miners/ccminer-[date]
git clone https://github.com/cbuchner1/ccminer
cd ccminer
...it seems the "mine start" & "monitor" command does not work anymore with the new ccminer.
jk_14 gave the hint we should re-use the old util.c because he modified it. but that doesn't help.
buuuut - if you compile it the right way you could start it via command right out of the dir were the new ccminer is located:
screen (you need this if you logged in via ssh, and like to close the console afterwards)cd /opt/miners/ccminer (location of the new miner)./ccminer -a algo -o stratum+tcp://pool -u x -p xmake sure you stopped the monitor & the kopiemtu mining command (mine stop / monitor stop) before.
edit. one little hint.
the previous ccminer was located ccminer-2014-05-20.
the dir "ccminer" is/was only a softlink. you could check it with "ls -l /opt/miners/ccminer" and see were it points to.
you could download (our just move) the new miner into "ccminer-2014-06-13" and make a softlink with this command "ln -s /opt/miners/ccminer-2014-06-13 /opt/miners/ccminer". before you have to delete the old "ccminer" softlink.