So., I'm new to all of this. I downloaded and setup minercontrol. I downloaded DJM's latest ccminer (M7V7app). Configured the conf file. Minercontrol launches and looks like I'm mining. But CCminer never launches. I wasn't sure which .dll files to include so I tried it with none and all, same result.
Any idea's?
I must admit I never heard of miner control before so I can't really be of any help (just read a few message on their thread where they tell "us" to put our shit together (to summarize... ) may-be they should first explain what they want to do with others application rather than complaining... (especially when they never put any message here to describe what they intended to do )
ccminer is a standalone application... so you have to tell us what you want to mine otherwise we can't really help, there is no need for a config file just a command line...