have a GTX 780 and have this in bat file "cudaminer.exe -o stratum+tcp://ltc-eu.give-me-coins.com:3333 -O user:pwd"
Have a few questions:
1-Does autotune give the highest number hash?
2-Does cudaminer autotune everytime i launch it?
3-if autotune does not give the highest number, any suggestions on how to increase them without overclocking the card?
1: Yes Its supposed to when autotune is working. In the latest version it is most definitely working. However, depending on what your card is doing during an autotune can effect autotune so run it 5-10 times and see which config gives you the best preformace and play around it the -C argument (0, 1,2)
2: Not if you give it a specific config you want it to launch with.
3: Autotune multiple time and find the fastest config then plug in and play with the -H -C arguments and you can normally squeeze out some more extra bits of hash. Plus try adding one or two to the numbers in your -l T config.
Thanks for the info will definitely try that.
Here's another question: I have a gtx 460 lying around is it possible to stick that into my current pc and have it mine while not interfering with the 780 which i use for gaming and mining? If so is that possible with a radeon card?
How do you differentiate between them via cudaminer? How can you make each bat file only operate one specific graphics card?