We have nothing useful for scrypt asics to do and it would effectively require a hard fork for nothing.
Asics secure network
GPUs fold
Scrypt Asics would be worse at securing the network especially because their are a lot less.
Scrypt Asics can't fold.
No no, scrypt asics could mine at a MultiPool, like BlackCoin's or CinniCoin's multipool. Basically they would mine Scrypt Based altcoins, and the multipool would automatically trade them for CureCoins. It's a proven technique that allows Scrypt miners to apply buy pressure to coins that are otherwise unobtainable for them.
It wouldn't require any change to the wallet or network. The Scrypt Miners literally just buy coins in exchange for their hashpower.
Buy pressure created by these pools is almost none.... I think BCpool last time I looks was creating 7BTC of buy pressure... That is nothing. Those multipools are basically hype machines for people that do not do the math. Sounds like it would work though.
Totally agree. First of all these pools are always associated with sh*tcoins that are desperately looking to create some hype/ fake demand.
Copying an idea for the tenth time just doesnt work anyway. You need to be ahead of the curve just like this coin is to create some value
Can anyone elaborate on a few technical aspects of the coin ?
# If there is no hard cap for the coins how was the 5% premine done ? 5% of ∞ is ?
# How does the " Network balancing" mentioned in the OP work ? How does an increase in SHA256 difficulty affect folders ?
Ok, fact that the coins for the folders were all premined doesnt look so good I wonder why couldnt that just be divided between the miners and folders as the coins are minted ?
So essentially one person is in control of ~80% of the coins ? Paying folders is done manually ?
What happens if the developer dies in a plane crash etc and takes the private keys with him ?
Just trying to get some clarity here.