I owe you guys an explanation.
Since 9 or 10 weeks I have been banging the drums in favor of deeponion. And I have been banging them hard.
Community/ dev team/ ongoing development: it is addictive. You know that, I know that.
I was a part of something great. I will come back to this remark later.
This morning I woke up, did my morning ritual which includes checking email.
I saw a PM from bitcointalk, from youngwebs his name is I believe. He asked me what happened, since I wasn't that "popular" in the community anymore.
My morning ritual also as of lately has been checking the ANN.
I did not check the ANN today. I won't be after today also. Well.. maybe I will hop in some day just to taste this atmosphere. The thing I was a part of for weeks and weeks.
My popularity is not of my concern. I know you people must feel like I took a giant sh*t on you.
I dumped most of my ONIONS. WTF did I do?
But allow me to explain (as youngweb hinted me to do in a second PM. In Dutch: Enorm bedankt, youngw!).
Yesterday I had an accident while driving. Small accident with big repercussions. I am ok. Car is wrecked.
Don't touch your fking phone while driving. Don't be the asshat like me that thinks "Ah, just one more time refreshing"
So there you have it.
I can whine more and more about why I need to have fiat money, but that won't tell you much more about me nor my motives.
I hope you guys believe me when I tell you shit happened to me and I need a fkng car just to drive my kids to school. Let alone my wage-slave job (as I told earlier I work in health care; driving to patients' homes, doing my nursing thing).
People have been talking about you a lot recently. I totally understand your situation. You advice of not touching phone when driving is absolutely right. I absolutely agree that we can easily get addicted to Onions. Since I learned about DeepOnion, I read ANN every minute when I am free and refresh to page to see what's new. Sometimes even when I am waiting for the red light, I also check the ANN thread.
We need to control ourselves and try not to use phone when driving.
Wish you best luck. I think you can continue contributing to the community because you've did fantastic job before. Even if you cannot participate in the air drop any more, you can buy some onions when you get free money and still enjoy the success of onions in the future.