I owe you guys an explanation.
Since 9 or 10 weeks I have been banging the drums in favor of deeponion. And I have been banging them hard.
Community/ dev team/ ongoing development: it is addictive. You know that, I know that.
I was a part of something great. I will come back to this remark later.
This morning I woke up, did my morning ritual which includes checking email.
I saw a PM from bitcointalk, from youngwebs his name is I believe. He asked me what happened, since I wasn't that "popular" in the community anymore.
My morning ritual also as of lately has been checking the ANN.
I did not check the ANN today. I won't be after today also. Well.. maybe I will hop in some day just to taste this atmosphere. The thing I was a part of for weeks and weeks.
My popularity is not of my concern. I know you people must feel like I took a giant sh*t on you.
I dumped most of my ONIONS. WTF did I do?
But allow me to explain (as youngweb hinted me to do in a second PM. In Dutch: Enorm bedankt, youngw!).
Yesterday I had an accident while driving. Small accident with big repercussions. I am ok. Car is wrecked.
Don't touch your fking phone while driving. Don't be the asshat like me that thinks "Ah, just one more time refreshing"
So there you have it.
I can whine more and more about why I need to have fiat money, but that won't tell you much more about me nor my motives.
I hope you guys believe me when I tell you shit happened to me and I need a fkng car just to drive my kids to school. Let alone my wage-slave job (as I told earlier I work in health care; driving to patients' homes, doing my nursing thing).
I am far from fudding. The decision to throw out my ONIONs was easy to make, though hard to swallow; next year I could have been teabagging my balls in tropical sand.
I sincerely believe the dev team (I know there are more of them, believe me on this also) and the hard work they put on. The mod team is fantastic.
This project is booming, healthy and funky. Don't you guys think otherwise! I have never ever experienced something like this ANN, the dedication of all the people involved.
It is a bloody shame there are no more airdrops for me.
I was part of something great, but cant live up to the rules. I hope someone else posts the beer picture once the future drops come in.
I wish you all the best. Keep on going; sometime in the near future honk your lambo for me.
ps thank you guys.
Ssowell (love you!)
phucdigan (tell xsinx to work harder again. i dare you lol)
(random order above)
thx for allowing me to make it this far and getting an Opel in some days.
Thank you for taking the time to address the community, it takes guts to post up a reply like that and for that you have my respect.
Sorry to hear about your accident, I guess you learned the hard way about using your phone whilst driving. I hope no one else was injured!
Thank you for your contribution to the project and I totally understand why you had to do what you had to do. All the best in the future, no hard feelings.